Wednesday 26 March 2014

Lime Marmalade Muffins

When I bought a jar of lime marmalade in January 2013, I didn't a think that it would sit in the cupboard for quite this long.

So, when I saw a recipe for marmalade filled muffins I jumped at the chance to finally get stuck into the jar.

I made a few alterations to the recipe, replacing orange zest and juice with lemon to go better with the lime centre, and adding some seeds to the suggested oat topping.

They're really tangy and sweet, and perfect alongside a cup of tea!

Lime marmalade muffins (adapted from BBC Good Food)

175g plain flour
25g oats
175g sugar (50g dark brown, 125g caster)
1tsp baking powder, 1/2tsp bicarbonate of soda
1tbsp veg oil
150ml plain natural yogurt
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
12 teaspoons lime marmalade, for filling
Oats and seeds, for topping

1. Preheat oven to 180C. Line muffin tin. I used silicone cases for ease.
2. Put dry ingredients in a bowl and mix to combine.
3. Combine lemon, yogurt & oil in a separate jug.
4. Add wet to dry and mix until just combined
5. Add just enough mix to each case to coat the bottom evenly, the add a teaspoon of marmalade to each and cover with remaining mix.
6. Sprinkle oats and seeds on top.
7. Bake for 20 mins until cooked through. As they are molten in the centre, you need to pop a knife/cocktail stick in diagonally to check they're cooked through.
8, DO NOT eat when just out of the oven (which I have a tendency to do) as the centre takes a long time to cool down.